Tribute Wall
First Visitation
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Friday, July 1, 2011
Mulryan Funeral Home
725 Hebron Ave.
Glastonbury, Connecticut, United States
Service Information
10:00 am
Saturday, July 2, 2011
St. Paul Church
2577 Main St.
Glastonbury, Connecticut, United States
Interment Information
RoseHill Memorial Park
580 Elm St. Rocky
Hill, Connecticut, United States
The family of Janice Pascucci uploaded a photo
Thursday, April 9, 2015

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The family of Janice Pascucci uploaded a photo
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

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Greg Dolan posted a condolence
Monday, September 5, 2011
I just heard about Jan's passing and wanted to express my sympathy to Frank & family. Like all of the dec-widows Jan tolerated a lot of odd hours and missed family plans "back in the day." So sorry for your loss.
Karen Scholl Haraghey posted a condolence
Friday, July 1, 2011
What a treat it was to be driven to high school by Mrs. Pascucci! She would pull up alongside as I was trudging through the snow or pouring rain (or if I missed the bus) and would ask politely if I wanted a ride to Cromwell High. "Ok", I would mumble and quickly jump in the car and settle back into the plush seat. (Sorry, Frank, I can't remember the make/model). Later on, in our 20s, my sister Audrey and I were also the lucky recipients of Jan's "hand me downs". Jan's wardrobe was awesome. On many occasions she would send piles of gently-used, gorgeous outfits to us. These were such a treat for young women with champagne taste and beer handbags! These are just two small examples of the wonderful kindness Jan showed to those around her. Thank you, Jan. Rest in peace.
Karen Scholl Haraghey
Erica Black Wilkinson posted a condolence
Friday, July 1, 2011
Mrs. Pascucci was my first grade teacher at Hebron Avenue School 32 years ago, yet I have vivid memories of my time in her classroom. While my 6 year old brain remembers the red construction paper heart I wore as the lead in her Valentine's Day Play, my adult brain now credits her for first giving me the confidence to be a leader. She was able to strike that challenging balance between being both strict and caring at the same time. My mom has always said that I thrived on her structure in the classroom, one of the many great lessons Mrs. Pascucci taught early on.
I hadn't spoken to Mrs. Pascucci since I left elementary school, yet her positive influence on my life has often been present in my mind over the decades. While this may seem silly to read, in this modern time I wish she could have known that I used her name many times as my password security question (when websites prompt you to enter your "Favorite Teacher's Name" to retrieve a lost or forgotten password.) I live in Atlanta now, and was saddened to hear of Mrs. Pascucci's passing from across the miles. I will remember her fondly and will keep her name and memory alive, in more ways than one! Sincerely, Erica Black Wilkinson
Barbara Solomon posted a condolence
Friday, July 1, 2011
I am so very sorry for your lose. Jan was such a treasure ...she was always there to give a helping hand. She will be truly missed.
Pat Marcinczyk posted a condolence
Friday, July 1, 2011
May the angels escort you to your final glory, Jan, where all is beautiful, loving, and free. You remain in my heart.
Jennifer Couture posted a condolence
Friday, July 1, 2011
My deepest sympathies to all of the family members. I only knew Jan for almost 2 years, but it was easy to see how remarkable, admirable, courageous, caring, and loving Jan was towards everyone and everything she did. She didn't hesitate to offer help for whatever was going on. Her generosity was overflowing. It was a gift to have known her for this short period of time and I'll always have the best of memories of Jan. May you rest in God's presence. With love and prayers to the family, Jennifer
Linda Keegan posted a condolence
Friday, July 1, 2011
My heart goes out to your family. I worked with Jan in Glastonbury and live in Cromwell not far from you. Sometimes I would see her in Stop and Shop and we would chat about education and what we were doing. Jan had a huge heart and was a loving and giving person. She touched the lives of many people who all respected and admired her. I hope that her memory will live on in your hearts forever...I know that she will be in mine...Sincerely, Linda Keegan
MaryAnn Purtill posted a condolence
Thursday, June 30, 2011
I owe much appreciation to Jan. She taught my son, Bobby, at Hebron Avenue School. She was truly a dedicated teacher who taught not only the basics of reading and writing, but that learning is a life long responsibility. I don't think this was always an easy task but Jan remained convicted to it, and I can tell you her persistence paid off! I truly admired her. I believe she was an inspiration to many people. Praise God for her life. God bless all of you as you grieve such a significant loss.
Ms.Jordan posted a condolence
Thursday, June 30, 2011
To The Family, Please accept my deepest condolence for the loss of your dear love one. I would like to share some words of comfort from God's word the Bible. John 5:28,29 and Acts 24:15 assures us that those who have fallen asleep in death have the wonderful hope to live again. Also take comfort in Revelation 21:3,4, where at that time SICKNESS,PAIN,DEATH,MOURNING,and OUTCRY will be things of the past, GONE FOREVER. Please take comfort in these encouraging promises.
Jamie DiGiovanni posted a condolence
Thursday, June 30, 2011
I am so sorry for the loss of Jan. There are no words to describe the loss I feel. I met Jan when I was 17 and from that day forward, I had never met a more caring, loving, generous person. She was always there for David, myself and our children through many fun times, and hard times. There wasnt a holiday that went by , whether it was Christmas or even Halloween that there wasnt a card in the mail to Craig and Katie. If you ever needed anything, Jan would be there day or night. I cant say enough wonderful things about her and how much she will be missed by many. Thank you Jan for all you have done for us. I will miss you very much, Love Jamie
Eleanor Lowell posted a condolence
Thursday, June 30, 2011
My family's thoughts and prayers are with you all. Janice will be missed by all who knew her. She was a wonderful person and so helpful to my sister Ann in her time of need. Jan was the first grandchild and niece in our family and was loved then as she is now. God Bless!
David Nemirow posted a condolence
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Jan was a wonderful teacher and colleague. She will be sorely missed by everyone whose life she touched. May her soul be bound up in the bond of eternal life.
Geri Ross posted a condolence
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Dear Frank, Mr. & Mrs. D, Linda, Elaine, David & families, My heart and prayers go out to all of you as you mourn Jan. She was such a remarkable woman and gifted teacher. She was a very special friend to me and I will always treasure that. I have so many fond memories of her and her caring for others. I recall when she bought a snow suit for a needy student, when he had lost his grandmother who was his caregiver. I also remember mentioning that I really liked a particular bench when we were in Guilford on one of our many trips together, and guess what? At my retirement party I entered and there was the bench! She had traveled all the way back to Guilford to pick it up, deliver it to the party, and then deliver it to my house! It sits on my patio now, in front of my garden. I will always treasure it and it will always remind me of my dear friend Jan. Sincerely, Geri Ross
Who We Are:
Mulryan Funeral Home is family owned and operated and has been serving Glastonbury and surrounding communities for many years.
Our Location:
725 Hebron Ave.
Glastonbury, CT
Phone: 860-652-4436